Quality Assurance Job Program

Edlinqs will provide you with a core understanding of skills, knowledge, terminology, and processes of effective Quality Assurance. We offer a professional level of ability in the principles and practices of QA Training in the IT profession. IT is one of the largest and most lucrative industries, promising a thriving career. With new jobs coming up every day, the right support and training can make you achieve your dream job.

We take pride in being a one-stop-shop for all Software Testing Training( QA Training, QTP Training) related training including functional testing, UAT, HP-ALM Quality center, Jira automation, these are all part of our QA Automation and Manual Testing training. By enrolling in Quality Assurance Training, one can prepare to become an expert software professional who can easily work on performance and automated test tools.

Convenient Ways To Attend This Instructor-Led Course


In the Classroom


Virtual Live Training


Corporate Training


At Edlinqs, Quality Assurance Training guides you in shaping a career as a QA Analyst. This Course Program enhances your skills in Quality Assurance and control and prepares you for QA Jobs. All the topics will be covered in detail, practical and realistic manner with hands-on experience in  QA Automation and Manual Testing.

During this program, you will learn:

  • Essential concepts, skills, practices, terminology, end to end test process in Software Testing Course
  • 100% job oriented course contents which will lead you to get and survive in software testing job easily and quickly
  • High in-demand manual and QA  automation testing tools with live project
  • Agile testing processes, cost estimation, JIRA tools
  • End to End live project with complete documentation


Course Duration : 38 Hours
  • Quality Assurance Introduction
  • Who is a Quality Assurance Analyst?
  • Why become a QA Analyst?
  • Role and Core Competencies of the QA Analyst
  • What is Project and Why Project Initiates
  • Constraints of IT Projects
  • Pre-Project Activities
  • End to End Process flow of IT Projects
  • System/Software Development Life Cycle
  • SDLC: Waterfall v/s Agile
  • QA Analysts milestones in SDLC
  • Quality Assurance Impediments
Hands-On Practice: First Step Towards Job
  • Quality Assurance Job Market
  • Current Opportunities
  • Industry Expectations
  • What to expect in Quality Assurance Interview
  • Know Yourself in 30 Second Elevator Speech!
  • Importance of Release Planning in Quality Assurance
  • Difference between Weekly, Monthly and Emergency Releases
  • Environments: Development, QA, UAT, PILOT & LIVE
  • End to End Process Flow of Various Environments
  • STLC Phases (Software Testing Life Cycle) |Testing Techniques
  • How requirement matrix can help you to Develop understanding of requirements
  • IT Project Success & Failures
  • Developing a work breakdown structure in SDLC
  • Stakeholders Identification
  • Project Documents Review:
  • Business Case, Project Charter, Stakeholder Analysis Document, RACI Matrix, BRD, Use Cases, Wireframes, Mock-up’s, SRS, Test Plan, Test Strategy, Test Cases, UAT Plan, Lesson Learned Document,  Project Completion Report
  • Importance of Test Plan and Test Cases
Hands-On Practice:Requirements Review and QA Artifacts
  • Review Requirements with Business Stakeholders
  • Create Test Cases
  • Review Test Plan with Business Stakeholders
  • Review Test Cases with Business Stakeholders
  • How is Quality Assurance Process Different in Agile Model?
  • What is Agile Development Model?
  • The Agile Manifesto and Guiding Principles
  • The Role of  QA Analyst in Agile Projects
  • How the testing process is different in SCRUM
  • Review QA User Stories: Create Tasks, Storyboarding and Sprint Planning
  • Meetings: Sprint Planning, Backlog Grooming, Sprint Review, Demo, Retrospective
  • Introduction to JIRA
  • Why QA Analysts use JIRA
  • Defect Management Life Cycle: Find, Communicate, Log, Monitor, Retest, and Close
  • Standards to write a Defect in JIRA or HP-ALM
  • Defect Management Process
Hands-On Practice: JIRA Tool & Agile SCRUM Role Play Session
  • Installation of JIRA
  • Review Product Backlog: EPIC, User Stories, Tasks, Bug
  • Opening/Closing Sprint
  • Review User Story Written in JIRA with “Given, Then, When” Technique
  • Review Acceptance Criteria in User Stories
  • QA Story Estimations with Poker Planning
  • Link bugs to User Stories/EPIC
  • Create Story Clones and Log Work
  • Role Play Session for Stand Up Meetings, Sprint Planning, Backlog Grooming, Retrospective and Demo
  • Closing stories, tasks and bugs
  • Describe Application Lifecycle Management (HP-ALM)
  • Test Management Tools
  • Common usage of HP-ALM Modules
  • Defining Requirements and Release Cycle Management
  • Defining Requirements
  • End to End Test Case Creation Process
  • Designing of Test Cases and Test Steps
  • Test Lab: Execution of Test Cases
  • Mapping Requirements to Test cases
  • Add and Link Defects
  • Update and Closure of Defects
Hands-On Practice: HP- ALM Tool Workshop
  • Installation of HP-ALM
  • HP-ALM modules, toolbars, and menus
  • Understand core concepts of Dashboard and Analytics View
  • Work with Release Creation Modules
  • Define and Organize Test Requirements
  • Designing Test Cases
  • Configuring a test case to call other test cases
  • Create Test Sets in Test Lab Module
  • Test Case Execution
  • Link Requirements to Test cases Execution
  • Monitoring the status of test plans
  • Add traceability links between requirements
  • Defect Management: Log Defect and link Defects to Test Cases
  • Assign and Monitor Defects
  • Associating defects to other entities
  • Closing Defect
SQL Testing
  • Introduction to Database and Relational Database Management System
  • DML Commands (Insert, Select, Update, Delete)
  • DDL Commands (Create, Use, Alter, Drop)
  • Other DB Utilities Toad, SQL Navigator etc.
  • Database role in application development
Mobile Testing
  • Introduction to Mobile Testing
  • Why is Mobile Testing Important?
  • Emerging Trends in Mobile Marketplace
  • Types of Mobile Applications
  • Mobile Application SDLC
  • Mobile Testing Platforms
  • Testing Mobile Web Applications
  • Testing Native Mobile Applications
Hands-On Practice: MS- SQL and Mobile Application Testing
SQL Testing
  • Installation of MS-SQL
  • Import Databases
  • Testing Various SQL Dialects
  • Fetch data from various tables using Select Statements
  • Insert Data into tables
  • Update Data into tables
  • Delete Data from tables
  • Create and join tables

Mobile Testing

  • Installation of Mobile Application
  • GUI Testing on various mobile devices
  • Recording Test Cases for Mobile Application
  • Cross Browser Testing
  • Demonstration on Emulators
 Mock Exam – 1

Live Project Workshop – 1

This is our specialty where we collaborate our Business Analysts and QA Analysts to work on 1 live project and develop, review and execute all those project documents which required to do job. In this way you will get exposure to work in a team environment and perform a role play session

  • Introduction to UFT
  • Launching UFT, Add-in Manager, and Quick Test window
  • Introduction to Functional Testing
  • Functional Testing approach
  • Benefits of automation
  • UFT Testing Process – (record & run process)
  • Different types of checkpoints –(standard checkpoints and supported checkpoints)
  • Parameterization – (data table and Parameterization by importing values from excel)
  • Synchronizing a test
  • Actions – ( Different types of actions, nesting
    the actions)
  • Object repository
  • Object Spy
Hands-On Practice: Automation Tool- HP-UFT
  • Designing Test Scripts from scratch
  • Execute Test Scripts
  • Result Analysis
  • Synchronization Points
  • Checkpoints
  • Recording & reviewing test execution results
  • Executing manual and automated tests
  • Configure automated test rerun rules
  • Defining and scheduling test execution flows.
  • Parameterization
  • Working with Data Tables
  • Functions
  • Descriptive Programming
  • Object Identification Mechanism
  • Object Repository, Actions, Checkpoints
  • Different types of Frameworks
  • Web Service Testing: Introduction  to SOAP and Restful web services
  • Introduction to SOAP-UI tool
  • How to create a new project in SOAP-UI?
  • Components of SOAP-UI project window
  • How to run your project in SOAP-UI?
  • Import Projects into SOAP-UI
  • Understanding of assertions
  • Understanding the Soap Response & Log Panels
  • Test Parameterization
Hands-On Practice: SOAP UI Hands
SOAP – UI Hands On
  • CREATE and RUN Test Suites
  • Create a Project
  • Creating a Test Suite
  • Creating a Test Case
  • Test Step Insert
  • Sending Request Manually & Reading Response
  • Working with assertions
  • Export projects
  • Test Parameterization
  • What is Selenium?
  • Advantages of using Selenium
  • Intro and configuration of selenium IDE
  • Record and  Playback of First script
  • Exporting the test cases from Selenium IDE
  • Installation:
    • Java Development Kit (JDK)
    • Eclipse IDE
  • Configuring the Environment Variables
  • Introduction to Java
  • Packages,  Java Classes
  • Loops and Conditions
Hands-On Practice: Automation Tool- SELENIUM IDE
  • Intro Selenium IDE
  • Install IDE
  • First IDE Script
  • Exporting test scripts
  • Create a Java Project, Package, Class
  • Writing the Java Program
  • Printing to console
  • Practicing loops and conditons
  • In Class Practical Excercise
 Class Exam – 2
Live Project Workshop – 2

This is the  workshop where QA people will deliver QA Artifacts to a group of Business Analyst. QA will also review Test cases and execution results on HP-ALM and map requirements to test cases. Official signoff will be given by the Business Analysts.

  • Introduction to Selenium Web Driver & Architecture
  • Selenium Web Driver V/S Selenium IDE
  • Locators
  • Parameterization
  • Cross – browser testing
  • Selenium Grid
  • Inroduction to Page Object model framework
  • Introduction to Hybrid framework
Hands-On Practice: Selenium Web Driver tool
  • Selenium & Cross – browser testing
  • Understanding of HTML page structure
  • Practice problems to play around with DOM
  • Popular websites and practicing locators
  • Creating test cases for a website
  • Interaction with different types of WebElements
  • Practice and Hands-on exercises for Writing Selenium scripts
One on One – Mock Interview Session
Resume Review Session – HR Director
Graduation Ceremony




  • Recent graduates who are dreaming to get into IT industry as this program will open doors to get into the IT world
  • Students / IT Newbies aspiring to become a Software Test Engineer
  • Anyone who is holding a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in IT and facing difficulties to get into the IT profession
  • Non-technical students
  • If you have applied for numerous jobs but never got an interview call
  • If you confront rejection in interviews due to Non-Canadian Industry Experience

QA as a Career is a sunshine career, i.e. it is just about to take off with huge potential in the near future. Quality Assurance professionals are much sought-after, especially in larger corporations throughout the world.

REASONS to Become a Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Even in a time of worldwide economic slowdown, the software industry is growing.
  • The new software is being developed every day all over the world.
  • There are more QA positions open than the software is able to fill.
  • This means that there are jobs open right now waiting for you.
Quality Assurance Analyst Salary

Salary amounts for Quality Assurance jobs can range, but the median starting income is around $50,000 per year.